Parent Handbook

       September 7, 2023


Dear Parent/Guardian,


I would like to welcome you and your child back to school year 2023-2024. I hope that your summer was safe and exciting.


It is a privilege to have this opportunity to serve as your Parent Coordinator. I look forward to working with you as we build a relationship through collaborative workshops, ongoing trainings, and meetings.


One of our goals this school year is to increase parental involvement and parental engagement in our school. I encourage you to please attend the monthly PTA meetings, Parent Teacher conferences, workshops, and all other school events. Please understand that you make the real difference in your child’s life by supporting and encouraging them to do and be their best, not only at home but in school as well.


We will have monthly workshops and trainings, but to make these sessions a success we need your parental support. Please take a moment to fill out the “Parent Survey” that I will provide, and include any ideas or suggestions for workshops that you feel will help you to develop the skills and ability to ensure the success of your child’s education and future. Please return the parent survey to me by Friday, September 29, 2023


My mission is to work alongside every parent to continue, as well as increase academic involvement. I do believe in the old saying that “It takes a village to raise a child” and more importantly always remember that you are your child’s first teacher. The everyday experience a child has is a stepping stone into their future. It is up to us to engage and ensure the students have the tools to succeed.


I am here to support you in whatever way I can. Please feel free to call on me if you need to. I am located in the main office at 718-756-0243 ext.1044.



Respectfully yours for the children and parents,



Parent Coordinator

P.S. 91




                 September 7, 2023


Dear Parent,


The 2023-2024 PTA Board takes this opportunity to greet you, and look forward to working together towards a productive school year. We welcome back our Teachers, Students, Parents, Parent Coordinator and other members of our school faculty. We also extend a hearty welcome back to our Principal, Dr. Alleyne.


We plan to conduct nominations and elections in our upcoming PTA meeting, September 20th, 2022. We are looking forward to some great things this year and we know with your support we will have a successful school year.


 Our goal this year is focused on encouraging parent involvement and engagement. We have decided to use every tool available, to significantly increase results in this area. To attain this. we encourage you to submit any suggestions you may have that can support this vision.


PTA meetings will be held the third Wednesday of each month at 5:00 P.M. unless otherwise stated.


The current PTA board members are:


President                  Jamiyla Job    

Secretary                  Kinya Gatling    

Treasurer                  Justeen Clarke  


The extent of our success is contingent on the level to which parents are involved. We are elected to represent parents, and are convinced that parent involvement is necessary in order for us to have a productive year. We welcome and encourage you to get involved, so that together we can make a positive change.





Jamiyla Job


PTA President







Dear Parents:


We would like to meet the needs of all our students with medical or others problems. Our school is student/parent friendly. Feel free to come in and discuss any concerns you may have.


Re: Health Services for students with needs. 504 forms are available if:


1.         Your child requires medication in school.

2.         Child requires non-medication treatment.

3.         Child has diabetes-uses insulin pump.

4.         Child has asthma-use nebulizer (Nebulizer not used in school)

5.         Child has sickle cell.

6.         Child suffers seizures.

7.         Child needs barrier free building.

8.         Needs extra time for testing.

9.          Any other medical issues that need to be addressed please see the

          School nurse.







School Nurse






Our principal is Dr. Tessa Alleyne.   Dr. Alleyne's office is located in the main office.



Assignments are as follows:


·            Overall Supervision – Dr.  Alleyne

·            Assistant Principal – Mr. Roldan

·            Safety & discipline – Ms. Smith / Mr. Roldan

·            Special Education – Ms. McIntosh

·            ESL – Dr. Alleyne/ Mr. Roldan

·            Guidance – Ms.  Smith






1.           We welcome parents in the school building (except during testing hours).


2.     Arrival & Dismissal

a)    3-K & Pre-Kindergarten:

Monday to Friday students enter the side of the school yard by East New York at 7:55am for lineup. Teachers will pick-up their class at 8:00am. Students eat breakfast and lunch in their classroom.

They are dismissed from outside in the school yard 2:20pm.

b)    Kindergarten, 1st, & 2nd Grade:

      Monday to Friday Breakfast is 7:30 AM. Class begins promptly at 8:00 AM. Dismissal is at 2:20 PM.


c)    3rd, 4th & 5th Grade:

      Monday to Friday Breakfast is 7:30 AM. Class begins promptly at 8:00 AM. Dismissal is at 2:20 PM.


d)       Any student that is not picked up at dismissal time will be taken to the auditorium for late pick up. The teacher should report to the designated school aide that the student has not been picked up. 


Parents please be advised that under no circumstance should your child be left in school after dismissal. If there is an emergency we encourage you to contact the Parent Coordinator immediately. 718-756-0243/Ext. 1044


Please keep in mind that early pick-ups are not encouraged. They interrupt instruction time.

In accordance with the Avonte’s Law, exit doors in the schools will be alarmed. Please do not exit the doors when they are alarmed.                   

3.    Discipline Policy

The Discipline Code is also known as the Citywide Behavioral Expectations to Support Student Learning.  Please visit the following website to view the Department of Education’s most recent Discipline Code.




4.    Dress Code

We are a uniformed school. All students are expected to come to school properly dressed in their school uniform (clean clothing must be worn daily). This is highly monitored.

5.   Guidance

P.S.91 has one guidance counselor, Ms. Smith. The guidance counselor works with general education and special education students. 


6.   Parent Coordinator

The Parent Coordinator is a valuable resource to parents and is also a liaison between the school and the community. Our Parent Coordinator is in the main office and can be reached at (718)-756-0243 Ext: 1044


7.   Family Responsibilities

Families have certain responsibilities, which serve to strengthen their children's educational experience. Responsibilities include making sure children come to school on time prepared for the day's work, complete their homework, and attend school regularly. Parents must return notices and signed permission slips on time and attend to health issues. Parents must keep blue cards updated.


Parents need to keep themselves informed by attending meetings such as Parent Teacher Conferences, Meet the Teacher and PTA meetings and workshops, etc.


8.   Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

Strong parental involvement is a valuable part of your child's education. Therefore the PTA is an entry point into the school. The PTA supports the school to allow our teachers and our students to learn. In addition, the PTA serves parents/guardians by providing tools and information that can help them to become active participants in their child's education and the P.S. 91 community. PTA meetings are held every third Wednesday of the month usually at 5:00 pm.

Reminders will be sent home with your child.


9.   Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent teacher conferences are held in September, November, March and May. Your child's teacher will send a note home to schedule an appointment. This is the time for individual discussions about your child's class work and progress. Student work is available for you to review and it's a great way to see what the class is working on. To get the most out of these conferences, it is important to take a positive approach when talking to the teacher. If you have specific concerns, you may want to consult with the Parent Coordinator and Administrative Team.



10.School Leadership Team (SLT)

The SLT is composed of a staff (teachers, administrators, UFT Chapter Leader) and parents.

The SLT is responsible for developing the school’s Comprehensive Educational Plan (CEP) in addition, ensuring that it is aligned with the school-based budget. SLTs must use a consensus based decision-making process as their primary means of decision-making. The principal is responsible for developing the school-based budget, after consulting with the SLT, and ensuring that it is aligned with the CEP. To ensure the alignment of CEP and the school-based budget, the overall purpose of the team is to work collaboratively to develop the school’s Comprehensive Education Plan CEP and address budgetary concerns.


11.ESL Services

ESL students will receive instruction in English from a certified ESL teacher. Our program will help students develop strong literacy skills while incorporating ESL strategies and methodologies. These same strategies and methodologies are used throughout the day within the content areas.


12.IEP (Individual Education Plan)

An Individual Education Program (IEP) creates an opportunity for teachers, parents, school administrators, related service personnel, and students to work together to improve educational results for children with disabilities.


The IEP guides the delivery of Special Education supports & services for the student with a disability. The IEP identifies a student’s strengths & areas of need which enables teaches to utilize relevant strategies to address those areas. An IEP is the cornerstone of a quality education for each child with a disability.



SESIS - Special Education Student Information System, is a secure online IEP management system. All IEPs are located in SESIS. Teachers and related service personnel will no longer be given paper copies of a student’s IEP. Rather, they will have to log into SESIS to view it.


14.Teacher’s College Running Records

There are several diagnostic assessments given to our students at the Beginning, Middle and End of the year.  Students are administer the following assessments in the areas of ELA and Math:  The Fountas and Pinell Running Records, I-Ready Diagnostic, Performance Tasks, and the New York State Exams. In the beginning of the school year, screeners are administer to our students at the so we can determine their strengths and weaknesses in reading, math and social emotional learning. It is important that we individualize our instructions to target the areas that your child needs to improve.   These are a few of the evaluations that teachers in grades K-5 provide with the information used to determine your child's progress throughout the school year.


15.School Safety Officers

Our school safety officers are here for the student's safety. Please cooperate with them at all times. All visitors are required to sign in, and show picture identification. Visitors must then proceed to the main office for screening and Intake. Upon exiting the building, please use only the main entrance and log the time that you are leaving. Parent volunteers must follow the same procedure as noted above.


All Visitors must see the Parent Coordinator first.


16. Strollers, Scooters, Carts etc.

Strollers, scooters, bicycles, carts and  etc.  are not permitted in the building for safety reasons.


17.Staff Mailboxes

Staff mailboxes are located in the Main Office. Please do not leave anything in the teacher's mailbox without permission from the administrative staff.  Please forward any correspondence through your child's folder/notebook or check with one of the administrative secretaries in the main office for assistance.


18.Text Books And Other School Materials

Students are responsible for all textbooks and other content specific resources that are given to them at the beginning of the school year. Students will have to pay for lost textbooks and/or materials. Also parents are financially responsible as well.


19.Classwork & Homework

Classwork, homework and vacation packages are expected to be completed and returned to individual teachers.


Students should expect to receive homework daily via homework sheets. Keeping an organized binder and using a planner will help students keep track of their homework assignments.



Nutrition is a key aspect in a child’s development Therefore, we encourage families to ensure that your child has a nutritious breakfast in the morning. Our school will provide breakfast and lunch every day. During school hour’s students are not allowed to eat candies, chocolates, gum, chips, sodas or any type of food other than the meals provided in the cafeteria. If a student is found with such items they will be confiscated.


21.Student of The Month

Each month teachers will identify students who show academic and social excellence. These students shall be recognized as Student of the Month. The student of the Month will be celebrated at the P.T.A. monthly meeting. Teachers should use the following ABCD criteria for Student of the Month: Academics, Behavior, Class work and Dress.


22.School Trips

All classes are encouraged to take educational trips throughout the year. Trips afford children the opportunity to expand and enrich their educational experiences. Trips are also a great way of building classroom communities. In order for students to attend trips, parents must provide an official signed permission slip from the school. Students who have not returned a permission slip will not be allowed to take part in the trip. (NO EXCEPTIONS). Verbal permission or faxes are not permitted. Parents who need assistance in filling out the permission slip may contact Mr. Torres


23.Progress & Report Cards

Report cards are issued three times a year in November, March, and June. We encourage you to respond in the area provided for parent comments. Please sign and return them promptly.

In addition to monitor student progress, classroom teachers will release Progress Reports in October, January, and May.


24.Electronic Devices

Students are not allowed to have electronic devices in any classroom. Students are allowed to use their personal devices at lunch.



      There is zero tolerance for disrespect and fighting throughout the school.


26.School Busing

If your child has poor behavior on the yellow school bus and we have spoken to them several times. They will not be permitted on the school bus. We have to consider the safety of all students on the bus. (Please see the department of education discipline code)


27. Lost And Found

There is a Lost And Found bin in the cafeteria. Students and parents should check there if an item is misplaced during school time. Please check with our school safety officers for assistance. Please make sure you label your child's personal belongings.




All absences require a doctor's note or death obituary etc., to be an officially excused absence from school. However, this will still be considered an absence.


NYS Laws requires the school to report any unexplained long term absences to ACS (the Administration for Child Services)



Consent communication between school and home contributes to a student's success in school. Parents should feel free to communicate with their child's teacher through Class Dojo or notes in their homework folders, or leave a message in the main office. If there is an issue relating to your child's classroom experience that you wish to discuss, the classroom teacher is the first person to consult. If you need to meet with administrator, please note the assistant principal for child's grade and call for an appointment. If you require assistance, you can also call the Parent Coordinator, Mr. Torres.    


Phone Calls

No phone calls are permitted to teachers while class is in session. (If it is an emergency please call and speak to the parent coordinator at (718) 756-0243/ext. 1044 or the Assistant Principal. They can get a message to your child.



Because P.S. 91 is a school with many activities and events from week to week, notices are sent home with your children. There is information from administration, teachers, and the PTA. Although much effort is given to distribute them in a timely fashion, we are always working towards improving in this area. Please check your child's backpack every day for notices,


            Face to Face Letters

Face to face school letters are given only on Mondays and Wednesday from 8:30am - 11:00am and Friday from 1:00pm - 2:00 pm. Please come in advance, sometimes the D.O.E system (computer/ATS) does not generate the letter the same day.


30.Student Emergency Cards

Blue Cards are given to parents/guardians at the beginning of the school year. Please make sure you fill these Blue Cards out completely and legibly. The Blue Cards are used to reach parents/guardians in case of an emergency. If there are any changes to the information on the Blue Cards please notify your child's teacher and request a new Blue Card.

31.Medical Information

We have a full-time nurse, who is available from 8 AM to 4 PM. She is located in room 110. Students who have serious medical complaints will be sent to the nurse's office. Parents of the students, who require regular medication, must complete a 504 form. For assistance with this form, please contact your Guidance Counselor, Ms. Smith or the School Nurse.


If your child has a special Health Alert, such as allergies to peanut butter, please notify the school nurse and teacher immediately.


If a student has a particular health issue or physical impairment, it is important that you see the Guidance Counselor and Nurse for assistance.


                         Medical & immunization information

All Medical and immunization records must be updated. (Failure to comply may result in students not being permitted to their classroom).



Parents whose children become ill at school will be contacted to take the child home. It is important that the Blue Emergency Card has all updated information as well as two alternate working phone numbers where someone can be reached in their absence. In case of an emergency and if time permits, P.S. 91 's staff will make every effort to contact you before deciding what action to take to insure your child's health and safety.


Bed Bugs

If a child has bed bug bites he/she will be brought to the nurse.   His/her belongings will be put in a plastic bag and sealed. The nurse will contact the parent and letters will be sent home to the entire class. The letter outlines procedures to reduce the infestation. If you have other children in the school, it is important that you inform the nurse immediately. For more information go online at.




Head Lice

If there is a case of head lice/eggs/nits in a class, a letter will be sent home. Children found to have lice/eggs/nits will be sent home. Staff will call for children to be picked up from school. Children who are sent home because they have lice will not be readmitted until they are cleared by a doctor and have a doctor's note.  



Accident Outside of School

In the event your child has an accident outside of the school, please send your child's teacher a note. This is not meant to be an invasion of privacy, but we are required by the

NYC Department of health to investigate unusual injuries observed by staff members.



Health and Wellness

The New York City Department of Health has strict medical requirements for new entrants to school (public, private, or parochial). All students entering a NYC school for the first time must have a complete physical examination, all immunization, plus a variety of screening tests. For detailed requirements, contact the school nurse. At the end of the school year teachers and other medical personnel will check each child's weight, height, vision and hearing. If there is a problem, the parent is required to follow up with a doctor's checkup with either the child's physician, or with parent consent, a Department of Health school doctor. You will also be informed if the needs an updated medical form for your child.


32.Double Parking

Double parking is illegal at any time, especially during dismissal and arrival. This is dangerous to children entering and exiting school buses and also makes it difficult for staff members to depart for other commitments. The 71st Police Precinct will issue summonses to drivers who double park.



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